Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thoughts from a cold...rainy,,,day

So it snowed in Chapel Hill this past weekend, and now it's freezing raining....I officially want to go back to South Africa. I love winter...I was born in winter...the world is so pretty during the winter time for me it represents tranquility and peace....I also love winter fashion (coats, scarves, gloves, hats, jeans, leggings, sweaters etc....).....I don't even mind the rain ( I have a pretty vast umbrella collection, and nice pair of rain boots) but cold+rain+snow+ice=DISASTER. Maybe I'd like the weather more if I didn't have to actually travel in it, but since UNC mandates that I do, I'm over it. Just give me a clear crisp winter day and I'll be happy.
Anyhoot it's the 2nd day of February....Groundhog's Day!!!....too bad he saw his shadow!!! Also DC abolished slavery on this day in 1862....and A.L Callie invented the ice cream scooper...yum.
...coldstone plz....since it's a school day I have work to do and I'm actually going to do my own laundry so I'll leave you with a picture of South Africa.....psst 26 more days!!!

* An elusive cheetah @ Kruger

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