So President's Day was technically yesterday, but I had a lot of work to do so no blogging for me. I've been taking an assessment of how I spend my time and I really like to idle, side reading, politics, or TV....I hope in the next week to decrease some of these things but I really am a politco-junkie. Anyhoot Keith Olbermann (brilliant) who beyond Anderson Cooper is my favorite news reporter explored a the Tea Party and racism in America. It was really interesting to hear his perspective which I've posted below....Yet it made me think will racism over truly be over in America. I don't just mean black v white racism either I mean racist sentiments entirely. Personally to me it seems the more minorities achieve in this country the worst racism becomes...some people shout minorities should work hard for the "American dream" by pulling themselves up by their bootstraps but when they do shouts of affirmative action, reverse discrimination, unqualified...and other epithets are uttered.
Can we live? Which also leads to me to ponder what really is the "American dream" and do minorities want to me apart of it. My answer yes/no. I believe generations before us wanted to achieve the white picket fence because it was denied to them and that's all they knew...but today not so much. Yes I want to be well educated, intellectual, successful in my career and etc...but not by anyone else's standard strictly for the edification of the Lord and myself. For so long the "American dream" only applied to those without hyphenated racial identities (so yes Asain-Americans, Mexican-Americans're excluded too) I don't believe minorities want that anymore...but then again I could be wrong....but I don't think so....(references from Monk b/c I love the show).
So(I definitely use this word way too much...oh well) on this President's Day as we reflect on what it means to have an African American President and think of all the contributions that each President has made (even Tyler and Fillmore) let us commend America for how far she has come but not become complacent because we still have a long way to go.....
On this day in 1957 Joe Fraizer became the World Heavyweight Champion by defeating Jimmy Ellis
Oh yeah and a picture of the hair as promised....

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