Well at the beginning of this month I said I'd try to blog everyday...so much for plans. In the last weeks of February life has taken so many unexpected turns for me that all plans have been thrown out the window. However I never forgot about blogging just haven't had the time to do so. Sooo like I said the last two weeks have been a test and I believe I've done quite well...emerging from these trials with a new sense of optimism and a new theme song. It's almost my birthday 4 days and it's still very surreal to me, with everything that's happened I really can't believe it's almost my birthday...time flies.
Spotlight interview coming soooonnnn, so I hard drive crashed and some of the people @ Mac are just not Geniuses despite their technical supports moniker of Genius Bar...but it's all good new hard drive and I'm working on data recovery. So as soon as I get my computer back the spotlight interview/article I'm writing for Christel House/Yele will be presented to you.
I've learned some more interesting facts on healthcare and am convinced now more than ever that President Obama should stay the course. Minorities are really suffering under the healthcare system even affluent minorities that can afford healthcare have a shorter life expectancy than the national average. Something is wrong, as a nation we are failing, both the uninsured and minorities. It will be quite the battle but it imperative that everyone has insurance coverage not just those fortunate enough to afford it. For all those people that believed President Obama when he said we are not red states nor blue states but the UNITED STATES; let's put in some action. Call/write your senator,your representative, your governor your councilman, your mayor...whomever but healthcare is too important to politicize.
Off my political soapbox and onward to eternal optimism....so the first daunting week I suffered from classic woe is me syndrome...but by Saturday I discovered, I have so much to be grateful for and remembered "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.(Romans 8:28)....so I stopped stressing, and began to look for the brightside...Then my computer began to crash...but even that was all good because I noticed it before it completely died so it wasn't so terrible afterall....So i guess the point of my rambling is count your blessing, focus on the things you can control, be more proactive about the trials in your life, and really remember it's a great day to be alive!!!...And then go out and do something nice for someone...service to others always makes me feel better!!!
I'll leave you with a theme song...yeah it's country and it's a bit cliche but the message is simple, and wonderfully beautiful.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Happy President's Day....
So President's Day was technically yesterday, but I had a lot of work to do so no blogging for me. I've been taking an assessment of how I spend my time and I really like to idle, side reading, politics, or TV....I hope in the next week to decrease some of these things but I really am a politco-junkie. Anyhoot Keith Olbermann (brilliant) who beyond Anderson Cooper is my favorite news reporter explored a the Tea Party and racism in America. It was really interesting to hear his perspective which I've posted below....Yet it made me think will racism over truly be over in America. I don't just mean black v white racism either I mean racist sentiments entirely. Personally to me it seems the more minorities achieve in this country the worst racism becomes...some people shout minorities should work hard for the "American dream" by pulling themselves up by their bootstraps but when they do shouts of affirmative action, reverse discrimination, unqualified...and other epithets are uttered. Can we live? Which also leads to me to ponder what really is the "American dream" and do minorities want to me apart of it. My answer yes/no. I believe generations before us wanted to achieve the white picket fence because it was denied to them and that's all they knew...but today not so much. Yes I want to be well educated, intellectual, successful in my career and etc...but not by anyone else's standard strictly for the edification of the Lord and myself. For so long the "American dream" only applied to those without hyphenated racial identities (so yes Asain-Americans, Mexican-Americans etc....you're excluded too) I don't believe minorities want that anymore...but then again I could be wrong....but I don't think so....(references from Monk b/c I love the show).
Oh yeah and a picture of the hair as promised....

So(I definitely use this word way too much...oh well) on this President's Day as we reflect on what it means to have an African American President and think of all the contributions that each President has made (even Tyler and Fillmore) let us commend America for how far she has come but not become complacent because we still have a long way to go.....
On this day in 1957 Joe Fraizer became the World Heavyweight Champion by defeating Jimmy Ellis
Oh yeah and a picture of the hair as promised....

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Why not....
Applying for internships is daunting but I think I found one I like, plan to start the application this weekend so wish me luck :)!!!
Recently I learned the average minority GPA @ UNC is a 2.3, while the average GPA is a 3.0. I love UNC to no end but this is strikingly disturbing. A 2.3 is not even a C average a UNC and thus below average. Also informing students that they should be happy if their GPA is over a 2.3 when they're minority is absurd. Most graduate schools are not going to look at a 2.3 or below and be satisfied...*smh*, I wonder what UNC is doing to currently explore or even make grounds one these disparities. Why'll I'm not directly affected by this because my GPA is well over a 2.3 and over a 3.o. I am worried about minorities especially because NOW more than ever complacency is not any option. So no matter what institution of higher learning you're at, make the most of the opportunity, in every race or gender there have b
een people that fought hard for all of us to be here. So I guess my message or theme for today is why not be the best you can be....a bit cliche but seriously WHY NOT.
On this day in 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from prison after 27 years.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I finished Game Change(review to come later)...in the process of booking my first spotlight interview....and things are generally falling in to place for me....got to love February....

Sunday was National Black AIDS Awareness....so n
ow your status(regardless of race)....AIDS doesn't discriminate so as responsible human beings we must...get tested, know your status and don't be afraid to ask a potential sexual partner their status....just a bit of a plug
Tea Party convention...*sigh*...really reviving literacy tests or civic tests to vote....this may not scream discrimination/racism to you but it def does to me. There is a fundamental problem in the United States still when an emerging political party wants to disenfranchise a segment of the American populace. As much as we as Americans want to believe we live in a post-racial society(what does that even mean)....we don't...I respect all views but really Tea Party=EPIC FAIL. Seems to be a more extreme view of modern day Republican party....*sigh*
Surprisingly the week is going by fairly quickly and I don't know whether to be happy or sad...so I'll say I'm ambivalent. ps....19 more days until my birthday...I leave you with a picture of a giraffe while in Kruger National Park
* Pretty graceful animals
Shine On
Black History Month,
Tea Party
Friday, February 5, 2010
YAY....i'ts FRIDAY....and the first week of February has been extraordinary for me and I hope it has been the same for you. So this really great idea came to me when I was at work today about showcasing successful, black, women/men for Black History Month and maybe throughout the duration of the blog. The greatest and probably my favorite part about history is that it is evolving, it's alive, and changing. I definitely respect all of the accomplishments of the past but what about current black leaders or future black leaders. I'm tired of the negative stereotypes and reports about African Americans or blacks(whichever you prefer) so as President Obama said we are the change we've been looking for, so it's time to change that. I hope you appreciate my epiphany as much as I did :)....pssstttttt 23 more days!!!

Happy Birthday Natalie Cole and Hank Aaron...and spotlight on President Barack Obama who on this day in 1990 became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Is it Friday yet?
So this is a question I've been asking myself effectively since Tuesday....adjusting to being back in school from South Africa definitely has been tough. I do however have some really awesome courses this semester so I'm delightfully happy about that...the new banner was created by Diana, who is fabulously talented and actually took the photo herself....hmm don't you just love creativity.
Well I actually have time to talk a little today so I'm hoping you've watched the State of the Union. I believe President Obama did exceptionally well and hope the rest of Washington pays attention. I make no qualms about the fact that I'm liberal but I respect all ideologies...I suspect once I conquer the world and become rich I'll be happy keeping my money and my pocket too...lol seriously if Democrats+Republicans actually worked together so much more could get done. I believe(not sure if this is a famous already but if it isn't ©) that what separates us is minuscule compared to all of the things that unite us...I know hopelessly optimistic but really this country could be so much more than what it is if we put aside petty party politics...As a Democrat I don't always agree Democratic Platforms, often I find myself agreeing with Republican ideologies...so let's stop limiting ourselves to labels, voting simply along party lines, and demand more for ourselves and our governments. That's what I feel the most important message of the State of the Union was; education, healthcare, the economy, don't ask don't tell are all important but as long as we allow these issues to drive deep wedges btw our national collective consciousness we will always be stuck debating.
Only 3 more days left until the Superbowl and GEUX SAINTS!!! I'm biased, I love the Saints respect Peyton Manning but Drew Brees is a tremendous QB (thanks San Diego and Miami) Vilma, Sharper, Pierre Thomas, Shockey, Henderson, Colston, and even Bush are a really good team that's worked incredibly hard to overcome a lot of adversity(flashes back to when our defense was terrible)...so I respect you Peyton but WHO DAT!!! (more to come on the Superbowl)
More importantly HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSA PARKS....February is such an incredible month with so many extraordinary people born during this time!!!
I'm sure we all know the significance of Rosa Park's actions to American history, but did you know that she only attained a high school education after getting married because of the encouragement of her husband. She completed her high school studies @ a time when only 7% of blacks had a HS education. So if we learn anything from Rosa Parks it should be to not let anything deter you from your dream, what is that you really want to do but maybe haven't taken a chance? You are your own roadblock to happiness and success so MOVE OUT OF YOUR WAY and go for it. Seriously what are YOU waiting for....pssst 23 more days!!!
Until next time,
Shine On
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A bit rushed....
Spotlight on Autherine J. Lucy the first African American to integrate the University of Alabama although she only integrated the school for three days due to personal safety issues, her achievement nonetheless was astonishing. I definitely appreciate her courage, because of her I am where I am today.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Thoughts from a cold...rainy,,,day
Anyhoot it's the 2nd day of February....Groundhog's Day!!!....too bad he saw his shadow!!! Also DC abolished slavery on this day in 1862....and A.L Callie invented the ice cream scooper...yum.
...coldstone plz....since it's a school day I have work to do and I'm actually going to do my own laundry so I'll leave you with a picture of South Africa.....psst 26 more days!!!
* An elusive cheetah @ Kruger
Black History Month,
Groundhog's Day,
South Africa
Monday, February 1, 2010
It's February
YAY....it's finally February, undoubtedly one of the best months of the year....so I apologize because I've been insanely busy since I've returned from South Africa and my blog has suffered...but no worries I promise to blog everyday of February (or @ least try)...I hope to have more pics of CPT this month so here's hoping. Also since it's Black History Month I'll try to include a fact, snippet. or profile regarding African American history... P.S. 27 days until my birthday...don't you just love February!!!
Donyale Luna- The first African American to grace the cover of Vogue

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