47 million Americans go uninsured each year and this statistic is a mere estimate, the actual number may be far higher. Yet some Americans believe the
healthcare system is not broken and are working with lobbyists to keep the current system. I guess having the second worst infant mortality out of the industrialized nations, one of the lowest life expectancies of the industrialized nations of the world, the highest obesity rates in the world does not signify a need for change.
I have no problem with people that can afford their own healthcare it's quite an accomplishment. I am fortunate that my parents have healthcare through their jobs and I will be insured through law school, but for others my age this is not a possibility. Many have to resort to applying for Medicaid or for the elderly Medicare. However this governments programs are sometimes stretched beyond their resources and leave out many middle class Americans. What about those that are not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid but are not rich enough to afford Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Cigna, Aetna, etc.... What do we tell these Americans tough luck, eat your apple, and hope for the best.
I am all for UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE!!! I think it's absurd that America is one of the only industrial nations that refuses to accept the system because it's "socialist" What are public schools, fire departments, police departments, and other government run services....hmmm I guess it's okay to pick and choose socialism. However universal care is not really something we can afford to delay. The thing I like about Obama's plan is that IF YOU LIKE YOUR CURRENT HEALTHCARE YOU CAN KEEP IT!!! (sorry to type this in all caps but some people really forget this) but if you can't afford healthcare or don't like your current healthcare then you can receive or buy into the government public option. Yes the government may have some issues but look at the Senators, Congressmen and Congresswomen, cabinet members etc that receive government run healthcare, they all seem fine to me. Yes, the very people that are telling you to raise hell and not vote for a government run system benefit themselves from such a system. It's okay for me but not my constituents. Are these really the people we want fighting for us.
Speaking of people fighting for us, Blue Dog Democrats you don't fool me. You can use the title Democrat to get into office but you're conservative leaning are very apparent. It's baffling how Democrats are supposed to party of liberalism and progressivism but every time Obama suggests fighting for a progressive cause he is met with the most opposition from his own party. Did you really not expect him to try to change the healthcare system...hmm I guess because someone makes a campaign promise doesn't mean they have to keep it. I guess since the stimulus involved money that would funnel into these Blue Dog Democrats states it was more prescient than human lives, go figure. Furthermore these same Blue Dog Democrats are taking some of the most money from healthcare lobbyists. It's odd that the talking points that you are willing to emit are from those that you swore to your constituents that you would fight against. Well I guess it's true money talks and bullish or in this case people walk. sigh....
Oh yeah lobbying groups really Bob MacGuffie, really sending out emails encouraging people to raise hell, be distractions, and just downright ignorant hooligans. Instead of actually trying to work for bipartisan healthcare reform, let's just work against whatever the Obama administration tries to do. And has anyone really thought to themselves at the meetings while acting a fool, hmm I wonder why insurance companies are paying so much to stop this bill???? The very people that lobbyists, insurance companies and many Republican Congressmen are using to defeat the current healthcare reform are those that need it most. WAKE UP MIDDLE AMERICA!!! Big business is not your friend because realistically you will never have the type of money to matter to them.
There is some validity to those that argument that the healthcare is expensive because of new technology needed to fight disease but there are also some large fallacies. How are nations such as France, Denmark, Canada, and Germany ensuring the survival of their citizens despite rising healthcare costs. Why do people in "socialist" nations live longer and healthier lives than Americans???? Why are the wealthy in these nations willing to pay higher taxes while we give our wealthy tax breaks???? sigh....just something to think about
The time for healthcare reform is NOW, the Obama plan is not perfect but it's a start. Why can't we forget our parties and work earnestly toward a new system that will benefit EVERY CITIZEN of the United States. Let's share the health.
It worked in 1993, let's not let it work in 2009
Really is the Canadian healthcare system that bad, if this lady is so fed up with Canada then why does she not move to America...hmm I wonder how much she was paid for this...
P.S. I have included videos of the ridiculous antics used by some....are we not above this
P.P.S I have only provided a very brief outline of the new healthcare reform and suggest that you do your own research because after all Knowledge is power!!!
"The real fight is about what should be in the marketplace and what should not. Should education be a marketable commodity? Should healthcare?"
Susan George